With customer trust, SendCloud's conversion rate grew by 125%

The shipping business is incredibly complex and SendCloud needed a way to keep a pulse on how their customers felt to identify areas for improvement.
Collecting 1.6k+ reviews on Trustpilot and showcasing their score throughout their customer journey
Better brand trust, a 125% increase in conversion rate, and a 30% reduction in conversion costs.
When it comes to the business of shipping, things are absolutely booming.
Doing your shopping online has never been easier, but it also presents online stores with quite a few challenges. Orders get processed, packaged, sent and, quite often, returned. All in all, the journey of a single package can make for a lot of fuss.
Enter SendCloud, who offers online stores a helping hand by automating this entire process. From picking and packing to sending and returning, SendCloud’s software ensures everything runs that vital bit smoother, faster, and more efficiently.

“Companies usually first start seeing the value of our shipping tool after they've begun using it, which makes Trustpilot a pivotal tool for us when it comes to convincing potential customers.”

“For us, this A/B test proved that Trustpilot adds a lot of value to our company and has an enormous effect on our conversions.”

“Using Trustpilot is super intuitive. One of the biggest advantages is that we can connect Trustpilot to different platforms like Zendesk and Slack.
It also helps that Trustpilot is known on an international level.”
Inform, innovate, impress
SendCloud uses Trustpilot to get in touch with their customers. This allows them to:
Get informed on how they’re performing
Find out where they can innovate and optimize
Have a platform that allows them to impress their customers with social proof
As of right now, the company has collected 1,632 B2B-reviews on Trustpilot with an average TrustScore of 4.5 out of 5. SendCloud showcases their reviews, average TrustScore, as well as the Trustpilot logo on their website.
The proof is in the pudding
Just recently, SendCloud’s marketing team launched a retargeting campaign where they A/B tested Trustpilot’s effect for three weeks. One half of the audience was shown regular Facebook ads, while the other half was shown the same ads with the addition of the Trustpilot logo and star rating.
The results speak for themselves: the Trustpilot version had an increased conversion rate of 125%, and the conversion cost was 30% lower than usual.
Just adding the Trustpilot logo and star rating to their Facebook ad made a world of difference for SendCloud.

Feedback-driven progress is the best progress
SendCloud’s customer service department also actively reaps the benefits of reviews. Using an integration between Trustpilot and Zendesk, SendCloud’s customer service is automatically informed every time a new review comes in.
The integration also makes it a piece of cake to reply to the review from within Zendesk.
A Slack-integration then makes it easy to share the reviews with the rest of the company. Compliments, valuable feedback and points of criticism are all addressed, so internal processes are continuously improved and optimized.
For example, if a lot of reviews focus on a specific feature and how it could be improved, SendCloud’s UX designers get informed and involved.
Feedback-driven progress is the best progress
SendCloud’s customer service department also actively reaps the benefits of reviews. Using an integration between Trustpilot and Zendesk, SendCloud’s customer service is automatically informed every time a new review comes in.
The integration also makes it a piece of cake to reply to the review from within Zendesk.
A Slack-integration then makes it easy to share the reviews with the rest of the company. Compliments, valuable feedback and points of criticism are all addressed, so internal processes are continuously improved and optimized.
For example, if a lot of reviews focus on a specific feature and how it could be improved, SendCloud’s UX designers get informed and involved.
Growth ambitions on an international scale
SendCloud is growing rapidly, both nationally and internationally. Their mission is to help every retailer in the world optimize their shipping process. That’s why SendCloud also collects reviews from customers outside of the Netherlands, so they can win over the confidence and trust of companies in other markets.
Using Trustpilot’s tag function, reviews can be sorted and showcased based on language. So when you visit SendCloud’s German website, you’ll be presented with their overall star rating, but only German reviews.
At the moment, SendCloud has Trustpilot reviews in English, German, Dutch and French, but it’s not going to stop there. Their ambition is to be active in eight new countries within the next two years. By now, the company has a very good grasp on what does and doesn’t work when entering a new market.
One of the most important elements is building up trust and brand awareness — and reviews play a pivotal role in both of these things.
Ready to increase conversions with the power of your customers? Book a demo to get started today.